Thursday 8 December 2016

polar bear

In class for inquiry we had to pick a predator we had to put facts I put

  • were does the polar bear live
  • the different species of polar bears
  • how old can polar bears live to 
  • what colour are they
  • what do they eat
  • who eats them
  • what are there characteristics
  •  what makes them a good predator 
i choose to do a polar bear .heres mine.

Thursday 3 November 2016

PE: athetics

                                                                    pe athletics 

this term for pe we have been doing athletics because we have athletics on Friday this week  we are doing shot put,discus, high jump, long jump , and heaps of different spirits. we learnt the techniques for them all

shot put
 so for shot put we learnt how to put the shot you have to hold the put in your hand so it's touching your neck/shoulder then you push your arm put strait and the ball  will go out but you can't through it or you will be disqualified

Image result for shot put technique

for discus you have to hold the disc with your fingers and put you thumb on the top rn you body go down go up then go back down then up then down t he on the 3rd one you let got and fling te discus and it will either go through  the air like a Frisbee or turn through the air

Image result for discus technique             

long jump   
for long jump you run up   towards the long jump and there's should be a marker /line/wood that you have to jump just before and then you jump through the air if you put your foot over the line not before the line you will get disqualified when you jump you have to jump and if you're going to fall fall forward because its from the piece of your body closest to the line so if you fall back your head might be on the line so will only get a little jump when it could've been big;.

Image result for long jump technique

high jump
for high jump you choose what side you want o run from left or right the you start in the middle and run to either side you choose  you run up and jump over with your back on land on the mat

Image result for high jump technique

for sprint theirs heaps of different sprints there 100, 200 , 400 .800 ,1500 and you can do any you line up and somene will say one you marks ]get set go and on go you sprint if you are dong 100,200 and maybe 400 you will want to sprint the whole thong but if you do 8000 or 1500 you might sprint some of it but you can choose

Image result for sprint technique              

in relays we learnt how to pass the baton/relay sick the person waiting has there back facing them and one of there hands out the person running with put the baton/rely stick in the other persons hand they will flip there hand and run

Image result for how to pass the relay stick diagram                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Thursday 13 October 2016



social dancing

this term for PE the year 7 have been doing social dancing and we had out social on the 2nd to last day in the 3rd  term we had practice 2 times a week every week just to learn 11 dances once you learnt a dance you could change the moves a little bit to make it more fun and interesting we had a mix beetween line dances and partner dancers the line dancers were my favorite


Friday 23 September 2016

complex sentences

In class for literacy we have been learning about complex sentences so we had to pick 3 photos and write 2 complex sentences about each photo so theses are mine.

Although the house looked scary, I went in.

The house, which had large windows that made it seem big, sat silently on the hill.

After I grew the flowers, they were pretty.

The flower, that shined in the sun ,was beautiful!

After diving of the waterfall, I died.

The waterfall, that was clear,sparkled in the light.

Friday 26 August 2016

BBQ tables

In class for inquiry we wrote a letter to ms beaumont about buying bbq tables.

Sheppard has been thinking and we believe that our eating area isn't the best that it could be  so we thought
we should get bbq tables for our eating area

We need to get bbq tables because the tables we have now you can only talk to the people on the left and the right of you. If we got bbq tables you would be able to talk to the people in front of you. We would be able to work outside as a class and have enough seats.  On the bbq tables you can put your lunch box on it and there won't be as much rubbish on the ground.

As a house we will be able to fundraise the money to buy the seats. Ways we could fundraise are cleaning at your house or other houses we could do a sausage sizzle in and out of school also some people can't afford water from the store so we could sell water for cheaper and that's not all, we can do more.

If we had any spare money we could use it to bye the classes pe equipment that we don't have enough of. We could buy paint  and each kid from Sheppard could paint a bit of the seat or table

So Sheppard really wants and needs bbq tables if we were able to get them it would make Sheppard eating area a better place for all of us.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

te reo chalk motion

In class we were using this website called chalk motion we used it for te reo.We had to draw a stickman and mr billings gave us some te reo words that we had to put on this and we made a little story heres mine click on the photo and there will be a link for something.

Saturday 20 August 2016


in class we are learning about fractions we had to make a slide about the different kinds of fractions we did diagrams.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

In class for inquiry we made a rube goldberg machine. When we were making them we had we had to use teamwork we used it because we had to  come up with a plan and all agree on it and we had to figure out what each other could bring and we had to make it even for what each other brang. It was hard at first to come up with a plan for the rube goldberg machine but once we got a plan it was right. Next we started to organise who was going to bring what materials to school The materials we needed were dominoes(not pizza) a pull back car, a bell cardboard tubes  and marbles then we had to put it all together and it we showed resilience because it took us a lot We had a lot of faults but we didn't give up. it took us heaps of tries but we didn't want to give up we just keep trying until it worked.    

Tuesday 5 July 2016


for inquiry today we were learning about the lungs here is a video photos and what the parts of them are on the bottom of the cup is a red balloon that is called the diaphragm the diaphragm is a muscle that helps us inhale and exhale .
the diaphragm is below the lings
the straw is the trachea its job is the passage from the lungs to the mouth and nose

yawning speech

in class we had to do a speech about the human body and then we had to share it in front of the class heres mine its about yawning

Yawning why do we yawn? and is it really contagious ? well if you want to find out listen and pay attention and you will ps you may yawn during my speech because if you think about it yawning is really contagious.

Why do we yawn? the reason we yawn is because we don't breath as hard as if you were exercising so we need more oxygen witch is why we yawn if were bored tiered or our temperature is higher or lower than normal it helps us bring more oxygen into our body and blood so mainly its like taking a big deep breath in.

Do animals yawn? and is it contagious? well animals do yawn but they don't just yawn when anyone yawns they yawn when there master or family yawns did you know that fish yawn you may think that they don't yawn because they breath in water but they do yawn fish yawn they breath in water and it cleans their gills. an interesting fact is that a dog set the world record for the longest yawn.

now is yawning contagious? yes it is if i came up to you and said the word yawn heaps some of you would yawn and if yawned then some of you would yawn and its not because your bored of my speech its because if someone says the word yawns or somene says the word yawn it makes you want to yawn  because there doing it. it is a true fact that if one person yawned over 50 percent would yawn.

if you want to stop yawning do a deep breath in 

Maori Body Parts

For Te Reo we are learning about the parts of a human body but in Maori there's a photo below that tells you what the parts of a human body are called in English and Maori.

Monday 4 July 2016

isaac newton

for tec we have been doing science so we had to get a famous scientist and research them and make a slide here's mine,

Monday 27 June 2016

Te Reo

In class for te reo we were learning to tell someone who our friends are and to ask in Maori and english. here's mine.

Monday 13 June 2016

Relevance and Reliability

In class we are learning about websites to be able to tell if they're real or not so we got some websites and we had to look up if that thing was real we had to write what we thought then if it actually is or not heres mine.

Thursday 2 June 2016


in class for inquiry we are learning about the human machine. for one off our task we had to find a disease and make a slide about our disease the things we needed to add to it was

  • work needs to be clear for your target audience
  • introduction that gives a good idea about the topic.
  •  elaborating upon your information using topic sentences.
  • diagrams to help
  • the websites that you used
  • use at least 3 websites 
here's mine.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

rugby skills.

for our last P.E session we were learning to pass and catch the rugby ball we learnt to have our hands straight in front of us the swing the ball over our body and then release the ball when you want to pass  and have your hands out the front when you want to catch,but you have to pass backwards. here's a video.

heres a photo

Thursday 12 May 2016

3 google tips and tricks

these are some google tips and tricks that I think are useful.

searching images
if you have a image and you want to know things about it type in google search and then click the first one and were you search there's a image of a camera click that then insert an image.
if you want to know the meaning for something type in google define then the word you want to know
minus sign
use the minus sign when you are searching something so if you were to search jaguar that will come up with jaguar- car that won't come up with stuff about cars.
for inquiry we were learning about anzac and the gallipoli map so we had to create a 3D map of gallipoli  this is my map 
I wrote some of the places and what they are this is what it said dardanelles is a narrow waterway In turkey.
anzac cove is a small cove on the gallipoli peninsula turkey.
cape helles is a landing point .


in class we have been learning about a powhiri and the steps that you need to do at one.

first of all 2 people from our class did a karanag to the manuhiri which is the her class. then the manuhiri came in and sat down on the seats once they are all seated fergus a boy from our class spoke then our whole class stood up and sung a waiata after that our whole class   sat down and room 6 representa  stood up and spoke to us then there whole class sung then they then presented a gift to us and then walk back and sat down then fergus stood up and took the gift and sat down after that we all stood up and got in a straight line and then rook 6 honi us once we had finished that we had to go inside and present our banner we made in class and then went back to class and shared or sharing with room 6 and then had some kai                                                                                                                                                                    


in class we have been learning about kiwiana things so in class we had to create a menu that had burgers and pizzas but it had to be kiwiana so they were made up we had to create them and then we had to number them of 1 to 20 and how much money they were the resin mine is called k.b.p.s is because it stands for  kiwiana burger pizza shop this is my menu.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

I've finished
I'm ready for an emergency with my battery powered led light 
and I think my light turned out fine now I'm ready for science next term.

Friday 1 April 2016

Protractor learning

For maths this week we have been learning how to use a protractor so we had to cut out and measure at least 2 triangles  and some 4 sided shapes if you did a triangle adding up all the corners it  had to add up to 180* and if it was a four sided shape it had to add up to 360* 
here's mine.

Tuesday 22 March 2016


This is my first soldering if you cant see the photo it is of 2 pieces of wire connected together .

Tuesday 1 March 2016

lemon battery experiment

we wanted to find out how a battery works so we did the famous lemon battery experiment 
and this is what we found.
  • 1 lemon =0.9 volts
  • 3 lemons = 2.7volts and lit up and LED.
Here is a picture we have a cucumber, potato, lemon & banana giving 3.64 volts.

this is a link for a video about a lemon battery.

Saturday 27 February 2016

quick write

yesterday our class had a writing task could quick write we had 10 minutes to write a story about the picture mr billings gave us that picture it is a pitcher of an explosion when we were writhing it we had to use 5 words fun run billings unicorn and santa the focus for this writing was to get our ideas down. here's mine.

Mr billings was driving to go to a christmas parade and he was in it so he was dressed up as santa. but t then a unicorn song turned on and he was dancing and having so much fun. he was having so much fun he crashed and his car set on fire he was sitting in the car and he decided at the last moment that he should hop out of the car and run so he hopped out and fan then his car exploded,

Tuesday 23 February 2016


today at electronics we investigated  simple circuits I found out that there are parallel circuit and series circuits  

Tuesday 16 February 2016

cyber safety word cloud

we watched a video about patty on you-tube in this video a girl was being very mean to patty. and saying horrible things to her face

the message about this is if you wouldn't say it to the person why say it online

here is the Tagul i made about patty's feelings.

maths place value

the other day our class did a maths place value game online which is called math wishball you had a goal number you have to reach that number by adding and subtracting  numbers on or off the number you started with.

my first writing sample

in writing we had to write a story using some photos mr billings had picked out for us here's is my inspiration photo

            the big adventure

one day a group of explorers were bored so they all met up and said let's go exploring so they went to a cave. they were trying to find diamonds and crystals. they went out to a hot dry desert and found a big dark cave that had heaps of cobwebs spiders and bats. they were walking and the found two tunnels. they were dumb enough to go through different tunnels and they thought that they could just mine and then meet up back outside. they took heaps of curvy paths and then they found heaps of shiny diamonds and crystals .  then the spotted each other but there were two big holes they were blocking the path plus they were really really deep you could just see the ground. so they didn't want to fall. one of the groups don’t know there way out of the cave so they have to find a way to cross over the holes then they can go out. they checked their bags to see if the had anything in there that they could use one person found a rope and through it over to the other people but it wasn't long enough so they had to try something else. they took a risk and said let's just walk down them and see if there's anything down there so they went down and once they were down there there was a little tunnel. they walked and all along the wall were heaps on diamonds the all had big buckets full of diamonds. they  keep walking and then they saw a light they kept walking the light got brighter and brighter. then the saw a tunnel and they got out but they went in the desert they were on a tropical island.

so they had to find there own food they cut down coconut trees and had to  catch fish . when they cut down the coconut trees they got heaps of wood and they set off to make a boat after a week they had a boat ready to go. but the were still wondering how the tunnel took them to a tropical island in the middle of nowhere? then next morning the left bright and early and tried to get back to their homes. they had been traveling for ages then they spotted something coming it was a big ship so they went the way the ship was coming from but then the waves started to get bigger and bigger the were heading right into a storm three little boat was getting smashed then it started raining and they got cold because they went wearing very warm close  because they were in the desert luckily they had their buckets so the were tipping all the water out . finally the stars went away and they started to see land so they kept going and they finally made it home.and they tell the story over and over again.


Today was my first day at technology @ hni we looked at the get ready website and learned
1.create a household  plan ready for a disaster.
2.have an emergency kit.
3.have a getaway kit in our emergency kit we should a torch with spare batteries.
At electronics I am going to design and make an emergency light that is powered by a battery that I can use my bedroom if such an event occurs.