Thursday 12 May 2016


in class we have been learning about a powhiri and the steps that you need to do at one.

first of all 2 people from our class did a karanag to the manuhiri which is the her class. then the manuhiri came in and sat down on the seats once they are all seated fergus a boy from our class spoke then our whole class stood up and sung a waiata after that our whole class   sat down and room 6 representa  stood up and spoke to us then there whole class sung then they then presented a gift to us and then walk back and sat down then fergus stood up and took the gift and sat down after that we all stood up and got in a straight line and then rook 6 honi us once we had finished that we had to go inside and present our banner we made in class and then went back to class and shared or sharing with room 6 and then had some kai                                                                                                                                                                    


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