Thursday 3 November 2016

PE: athetics

                                                                    pe athletics 

this term for pe we have been doing athletics because we have athletics on Friday this week  we are doing shot put,discus, high jump, long jump , and heaps of different spirits. we learnt the techniques for them all

shot put
 so for shot put we learnt how to put the shot you have to hold the put in your hand so it's touching your neck/shoulder then you push your arm put strait and the ball  will go out but you can't through it or you will be disqualified

Image result for shot put technique

for discus you have to hold the disc with your fingers and put you thumb on the top rn you body go down go up then go back down then up then down t he on the 3rd one you let got and fling te discus and it will either go through  the air like a Frisbee or turn through the air

Image result for discus technique             

long jump   
for long jump you run up   towards the long jump and there's should be a marker /line/wood that you have to jump just before and then you jump through the air if you put your foot over the line not before the line you will get disqualified when you jump you have to jump and if you're going to fall fall forward because its from the piece of your body closest to the line so if you fall back your head might be on the line so will only get a little jump when it could've been big;.

Image result for long jump technique

high jump
for high jump you choose what side you want o run from left or right the you start in the middle and run to either side you choose  you run up and jump over with your back on land on the mat

Image result for high jump technique

for sprint theirs heaps of different sprints there 100, 200 , 400 .800 ,1500 and you can do any you line up and somene will say one you marks ]get set go and on go you sprint if you are dong 100,200 and maybe 400 you will want to sprint the whole thong but if you do 8000 or 1500 you might sprint some of it but you can choose

Image result for sprint technique              

in relays we learnt how to pass the baton/relay sick the person waiting has there back facing them and one of there hands out the person running with put the baton/rely stick in the other persons hand they will flip there hand and run

Image result for how to pass the relay stick diagram                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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