Friday 26 August 2016

BBQ tables

In class for inquiry we wrote a letter to ms beaumont about buying bbq tables.

Sheppard has been thinking and we believe that our eating area isn't the best that it could be  so we thought
we should get bbq tables for our eating area

We need to get bbq tables because the tables we have now you can only talk to the people on the left and the right of you. If we got bbq tables you would be able to talk to the people in front of you. We would be able to work outside as a class and have enough seats.  On the bbq tables you can put your lunch box on it and there won't be as much rubbish on the ground.

As a house we will be able to fundraise the money to buy the seats. Ways we could fundraise are cleaning at your house or other houses we could do a sausage sizzle in and out of school also some people can't afford water from the store so we could sell water for cheaper and that's not all, we can do more.

If we had any spare money we could use it to bye the classes pe equipment that we don't have enough of. We could buy paint  and each kid from Sheppard could paint a bit of the seat or table

So Sheppard really wants and needs bbq tables if we were able to get them it would make Sheppard eating area a better place for all of us.

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