Tuesday 6 June 2017

autum poem

I take a step ...crunch crunch .
I step on the leaves all different colours .
It looks like a rainbow scattered all over the ground piled up to my knees.

As i look up I see red orange brown and green leaves falling onto my head.
That is the best time when you see the leaves floating around in the sky.
I see the leaves flying higher and higher
I'm so happy i just fall back into the pile of leaves and….crunch crunch.
As i stand up i'm covered in the beautiful leaves all in my hair
That's how you know it's autumn.
The best time of the year.

henry dunant

Jean Henry Dunant was a businessman who is the founder of Red Cross in 1863. This company is still up and running all over the world.
Henry Dunant won the nobel peace prize in 1901 while he was at it he managed to publish a book called Un Souvenir De Solferino. Dunant’s Book is about how he witness the suffering of the wounded soldiers which is a decisive when Dunant founded the international committee of the Red Cross

Henry made a business called Red Cross the red cross is a business that helps if there was a big earthquake or something that affects heaps of people, they will go and make sure everyone is alright and make sure they have a home to stay in. The Red Cross still carries on everywhere even though henry is dead he made such a great company that it is helping save lives in Syria.  

Dunant went bankrupt because he declined his business assignment and had to pay 1,000,000 Swiss Francs which is 1,449,183.44 New Zealand dollars and left Geneva in 1867.

Dunant deserved to get the nobel peace prize because without Red Cross there would be more people getting sick or hurt. The Red Cross is good because people decided to work for it voluntarily.This a great cause because every time you donate towards it, it is a great feeling knowing that you may’ve saved someone's life. Although he had done great no one can live forever.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

camp review

Weka Point Camp Self Assessment   Name:   
Camp is over.  Now it is time to reconsider the goals that you set and check to see if you achieved them.https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/10/07/21/16/goal-976853_960_720.png

After my camp experience at Weka Point, I know that I can now:
  • Make nachos
  • Do archery  

I achieved these goals:   (Copy and paste from your list.)
  • Do the abseiling
NOW - explain how you achieved them
I did it without worrying cause i am scared of heights but i ended up doing it twice .


I used GOTAR when I did abseiling

Some things that could be improved at camp are the wasp nest
Because they stung me 6 times and the really hurt


The best thing about camp was learning new things and having time to hang out with friends because it made camp fun when you learnt to do things and to do it with other.

where I am from poem

I am from the diner table that's been there forever
From a muddy nike soccer ball and colgate toothpaste
I am from the big backyard filled with fruit trees
And lovely fresh air
I am from a strawberry plant growing delicious fruit
I am from  long grass and swimming pool
From louise and leon
I am From fish and chips
From going to family to celebrate christmas
I am from smelling wet dog
From going to the beach for easter
I am from dressing up in dress ups
From familly

Wednesday 1 March 2017

iain sharp poem

zoe poem

Zoe is a fat present holding in bubbles of
joy tied up with up with a ribbon of happiness

Whenever I peep in mirrors
Zoe smiles back at me.
It’s wonderful

Zoe is a racing car zooming along the streets
Like a flash of lightning

Zoe is a plant slowly growing up
into a beautiful flower

Zoe is sherbert that is happy sour and sweet
and pops in your mouth