Monday 27 June 2016

Te Reo

In class for te reo we were learning to tell someone who our friends are and to ask in Maori and english. here's mine.

Monday 13 June 2016

Relevance and Reliability

In class we are learning about websites to be able to tell if they're real or not so we got some websites and we had to look up if that thing was real we had to write what we thought then if it actually is or not heres mine.

Thursday 2 June 2016


in class for inquiry we are learning about the human machine. for one off our task we had to find a disease and make a slide about our disease the things we needed to add to it was

  • work needs to be clear for your target audience
  • introduction that gives a good idea about the topic.
  •  elaborating upon your information using topic sentences.
  • diagrams to help
  • the websites that you used
  • use at least 3 websites 
here's mine.